K-12 Transfer Access
Records Request by Scribbles Software
Prince William County Public Schools is now offering a secure site for parents/guardians of current students, former students, government agencies, K-12 Districts and other third parties to access certain types of educational records and educational verifications. It is a secure, self-service application that requires the following steps:
- Site Access.Go to https://pwcva.scriborder.com/. Scroll down to the K-12 Districts. Select the Following to get started and click the Icon
- Account Creation.Each person requesting records from Prince William County Public Schools is required to set up an account.You must use your school email address.Personal emails addresses will not be accepted.
- Verification.Once the account is set up, there is a verification process that takes about 24 hours to complete.You will receive an email notification once your account is verified.You only need to be verified once then you may submit as many requests as you need.
- Submit Request. When you receive the “verification complete” email notification, you are then able to login to the K-12 Transfer application and submit your requests to Prince William County Public Schools. We enforce this verification process to keep students safe.
- Downloading.When you receive the “processing complete” email, you can login to the K-12 Transfer application to download the student record(s) you requested.
More PWCS Request for Educational Records Information
More infromation regarding requests for educational records can be found at PWCS Records Center Webpage.
McAuliffe Elementary School Specific Questions
Please contact McAuliffe's Registar for any questions.
Sara Benkharafa
[email protected]
703-680-7270 Main